Search for halloween

Gangster Chick

Gangster Chick

I think the best part about fashion is the fact that it allows you to be whoever you want to be (I’m pretty sure that’s why I celebrated Halloween for like…

I’m A Slave 4 U

I’m A Slave 4 U

I think it’s safe to say that I’ve handled celebrating Halloween for the next 5 years with a world breaking record of 7 costume changes within the past 2 weeks. How…

DIY Pumpkins

DIY Pumpkins

If you’re anything like me, you can’t carve a pumpkin to save your life. How do people do such cool and intense designs?! I will never know.  But obviously super into…

DIY Black Swan

DIY Black Swan

For those who have been following me on Instagram lately (@iamfashionlaine), you can easily see just how excited I am that Halloween is amongst us. Any excuse to be creative and…

Pumpkin Patchin’

Pumpkin Patchin’

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with Halloween. I love it because I think the concept of trick or treating is so fun, I love the creativity that goes into people’s…

Law School Grad

Law School Grad

When kids are little, they always change what they want to be when they grow up. One day they want to be an astronaut, the next day a firefighter, the day…

Stop, Hammer Time

Stop, Hammer Time

MC Hammer was a singer, “Hammer Time” was a phrase,  and “U Can’t Touch This” was a huge song of the 90’s. MC Hammer’s style was outlandish and crazy, and probably…

Modern Day Ballerina

Modern Day Ballerina

My love for tutus is undeniable. Whoever said they are solely appropriate to be worn as costume was clearly not a Carrie Bradshaw fan. When kids are asked the age-old question…