My love for tutus is undeniable. Whoever said they are solely appropriate to be worn as costume was clearly not a Carrie Bradshaw fan. When kids are asked the age-old question “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, you get answers like astronaut, firefighter, or superhero. But I on the other hand always wanted to be a ballerina. Now, I have to admit, that the amount of skill I have in ballet only dates back to about a few months at the age of four or five. But ever since I was a little girl, I always loved the concept of tutus, leotards, ballet shoes, tights, and leg warmers (all of which I oddly enough still wear today). But tutus, that’s a hard one to pull off as it’s not the typical skirt option for people to wear other than Halloween. So when American Apparel came out with a line of tutu type skirts that was actually appropriate to wear out on the daily, you can imagine my excitement to be able to live out my ballet dream and simply thank it to fashion. With a crop top turtle neck, wedges, and a headband, you don’t need ballet skills to dress the part of a modern day ballerina.
Top: Love Culture // Skirt: American Apparel // Shoes: Forever 21 (similar here) // Headband: Forever 21 // Rings: BCBG (double spike ring), Forever 21 (black stud ring)

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