What’s better than a collared neck? One that’s removable of course. When I first saw these necklaces popping up everywhere, I wasn’t really feeling them. Like, if you want to wear a collared neck, just wear a collared shirt, right? Why the need for a fake wannabe collared accessory? Well, clearly I was mistaking. When I decided to give it a go and buy one, I quickly caught on to what everyone was loving about these. The collared necklaces are perfect because they can easily dress up the simplest outfit without any additional layers. This American Apparel crop top that I always wear as a super casual look just instantly became classier with the snap of the necklace. What’s great about this is that, tee or collared shirt, you can practically wear this with anything and it will fit right in. I even went a step further and added these adorable diamond heart clip on pins to make it look jazzier. So the next time you’re in a store and are debating to collar or not to collar? Tis not a question! Just do it. Trust me, it’ll be worth the purchase.
Collared Necklace: Forever 21 // Collared Necklace Clip: Forever 21

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