“No one can diminish you except yourself”
As I was trying this past week to find what to write as this #MondayMotivation post, I heard the phrase above that really stuck with me.
If there was one word that summed up the month of July for me it was—CHAOS. I mean, I completely blame it on #MercuryRetrograde so thank the LORD we outta that shiz. But from my randomly fractured foot to a friend in my close group who suddenly passed away so young—the past month has been a lot. And as you can imagine, dealing with things that are unexpected can take a huge toll on people. And with me, that results in feeling defeated & diminished.
But you know, they always say that the true tests in life and to see what you’re really made of don’t come from the easiest times, but actually from the most difficult. It’s easy to let yourself stay down when you’re down—it takes little effort to be upset. But working on rising above hardships, now that’s the hard part that takes a level of strength & commitment.
I’m coming up on almost 3 years of writing these motivation posts & while each week has been about a different word & topic, they all have the same ending message—it’s up to YOU to choose how you want your life, and attitude, to be. Despite hardships, we truly all are built to be able to surpass any defeating moments, it just takes some effort on our ends to make it happen.
As I’m ALL into astrology, I’ve been reading up on how AMAZING August is supposed to be—and I FEEL IT! So for this #MondayMotivation, I want you to put aside the hardships that retrograde threw at you last month & take the lead to make everything this month amazing. Don’t let tough moments hold you down because remember, no one (or nothing) can diminish you… except you.