Last week I went to dating GURU Matthew Hussey’s speaking engagement here in LA which was a move & tactic for two things: 1) of course, to have him bestow his wisdom & enlightenment upon me on WTF goes through a guys’ minds because seriously ladies, can you figure them out, cuz I CAN’T. But 2) I went there to see if I could try to get Matthew to marry me. That one… still in the works 😉
Haha but all jokes aside, Matthew did relay some good advice on this crazy world of dating. And what it all really came down, in the end, was this concept of self-worth—and that we all just need to be proud and accept who WE are and let everything else fall into place.
Out of all the things Matthew said though, there was one point that really stuck out with me the most—the concept of being a “light” which is something that I’ve truly worked on the past few years to embrace myself. As Matthew perfectly put it, we all were born with this pure and innocent light—where everything in the world seems good and whole. But, of course, throughout time, our light begins to get diminished through each disappointment and hurdle we face—not winning as class President, your parents getting divorced, a close friend passing away, getting broken up with from your first love—the list goes on. And as our light diminishes, we being who we were born as gets diminished, our less LIT, along the way as we begin to overthink everything in our lives from how we act, speak, what we do, and more.
As our light begins to get diminished, what happens is we begin to connect our happiness to things—thinking that’s what we give us the happiness that we’ve begun to lose. “If I get a boyfriend, if I get this promotion at work, if I get this car I’ve wanted—then I’ll be happy.” But the truth is, your happiness doesn’t come from the things around you but from within yourself.
We’re all on this major hunt on HOW TO BE HAPPY. (Doesn’t it seem like everyone today is way sadder than we used to be?). But you know, the secret to getting all those things you want—the boyfriend, the job, the car, and more is to start of being happy yourself—being that LIGHT you once were.
I’ve really truly strived to make 2019 a year to simply be—happy. Being a LIGHT every day of the week and asking myself “how can I make today AMAZING”. When you can learn to just make every day FUN—whether it’s work, going out with your friends, appreciating a day with your family, or more, when you can be the LIGHT, that’s when you’ll attract the lights in your life (that boyfriend, that promotion, that car).
I truly believe your vibe attracts your tribes and your energy speaks for you before you speak for yourself—everything you want will be attracted to you when you send out the good energy that you are LIGHT.
So for this Monday Motivation, in the words of Matthew Hussey, be the LIGHT.