Every since I was a little girl I’ve dreamt of going to one place more than any other… France. I’m not really sure what has drawn me to this beautiful city of dreams (possibly because it’s just that), but as I sit here at the airport getting ready for my first of three million connecting flights, I can’t believe that the day has arrived and that I’m actually finally going to France! Only imagining all the adventures I will hopefully endure as well as beautiful sights, people, crepes, and baguettes, I can’t wait to immerse in this new city that I’ve been admiring forever from afar.
And with that said, Fashionlaine will be thus taking a haitus from posts until I get back at the end of July so that I can fully live in the moments abroad. BUT the great news is that I’ve packed really delicious outfits and will be updating my adventures in France via Instagram (@iamfashionlaine) until my return. So make sure to follow along, like, and give me comments on the best places I should go along the way.

What do you think?