Do you ever have those moments in your life where you think to yourself that you just need a little guidance and some answers on things you’re pondering about and then something just happens to magically come your way and instantly makes you feel like it was meant for you to see? Well that’s how I feel with today’s post about Sandra Bullock’s graduation speech that has been taking over the internet this past week. I feel like we all go through moments, days, or weeks where we get stressed or worried about things. And especially now where graduations are in the air and people are moving onto the next chapters of their lives, I think that feeling of anxiety, pressure, nervousness, and stress is all around. And stepping in at a perfect time of need, Sandra Bullock surprised Warren Easton Charter High School’s Class of 2014 in New Orleans with a motivational commencement speech that raised the answer to a question that I have wondered towards myself, “If you could go back and talk to your younger self, what would you say?” On top of suggesting eating greens with your meals everyday and not picking your nose in public, there were two points in particular that really hit home with me. One being to “stop worrying so much. The unknown we can’t do anything about and I can’t remember any of the moments in my life that I worried, so that’s a lot of time I couldn’t get back.” The other of which was to “raise the bar higher. People want to see you fail. I only remember the moments where I tried beyond what I thought I could do and I do not remember any of the failures because I didn’t. Nothing is a failure– it’s just not supposed to work out that way because something better is supposed to come along.”
Not only funny, charming, knowledgeable, but also moving and motivating, Sandra Bullock and her speech really stop to make you think and really appreciate whatever current state you are currently in (and especially to enjoy the journey of it even if it’s not enjoyable at the time). And with her last piece advice, I too recommend each and every one of you to “go find your joy”. Because as she so eloquently points out, it’s up to you if you’re going to have a good day or a great day.
Happy Friday and Memorial Day Weekend!

What do you think?