I remember it perfectly like it was just yesterday when my friend Nathalie was giving us live updates of how the C-section was going her for her dog Darla’s pregnancy. So nervous that Darla nor any of the puppies were going to make it, we were all praying and hoping for the best. As all of this was starting to unfold, I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear about the news as this all meant I was going to be a new mommy soon. Three of the four dogs had made it through– one boy and two girls, and Darla was back and healthy after it all. Fast forward to two months later when the puppies were ready to separate from their mommy and go to their new homes. I remember the nerves that were getting to me a week leading up to that moment with the lingering question over my head “Am I going to be a good mom?”.
It’s so crazy to think how much something that was not apart of your life before becomes SO much apart of your life now. Teddie, as we had decided to name her based of her teddy bear characteristics, not only came into our lives, but completely changed it. From a mother and sister that feared dogs so much as they couldn’t be in the same room as them to now not only loving Teddie, but living for Teddie, it’s so crazy to see how things can change so instantly.
I remember the first day we brought Teddie home, we had no idea what to do or what we were getting ourselves in for. At first, it was like she was a guest in our house that we were just inviting over to stay with us for only a few days. Then, slowly by slowly, as we became more used to the idea of her and having her around, instead of being a house guest, she suddenly turned into the part of our house that we instantly would run to visit the second any of us got home. Teddie, as my family and I like to say, is the “light of our lives”– bringing pure joy and happiness to us all above anything we could have imagined before. It’s so crazy to me to see how much one can love a dog as much as we do, but I’ve come to see that you just truly don’t understand how much love there is until you get a dog of your own. Teddie’s presence signifies that of pure innocence and pure joy. No matter what your day has been like or what’s happening in the world, the second Teddie hears you and knows that your home, the happiness she gets to greet you with her toy to play melts all of your wordly problems away. We might have been the ones to take Teddie in to be apart of our family, but really, it’s Teddie who is the one who has taken us in and changed our lives.

What do you think?