Putting the birthday tiara to the side this year and instead pulling out one of my favorite gold chain headbands to match my sequin dress and glitter heels comes together to form my Birthday Princess outfit. For me, birthdays are extra special. On top of sharing my birthday week with my sister and mom who are both a few days apart, and on top of having a reason to dress up, eat my fave Mint Chocolate Chip Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake, and get to celebrate and be thankful for everything with the people I love, I appreciate birthdays because it’s the one time in the year that I get to take one second to stop running, doing, working and being busy and take a moment for me, wherever that may be. I used to worry that as each birthday would come by I would start dreading them because that would mean I was getting a year older. But as the years have gone by, and especially as this birthday had been approaching, instead of being upset or worried, I’ve in turn been excited. To me, I’m not only getting one year older, but I’ve gotten one year wiser. And with that knowledge, I’m ready head-first for this year and excited to see what it will bring. Every birthday deserves to have a prince or princess, so when it’s your birthday, don’t forget to take some time for you!
Dress: ANGL // Shoes: Aldo // Headband: Urban Outfitters // Bracelets: BCBG (statement bracelets), Forever 21 (black and gold bracelet) // Ring: Forever 21
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