I’m kicking off my 8th year blogiversary with a new relationship that makes me feel connected to all parents seeking ways to be a teacher to their child this year–I’ve become a homeschool teacher teacher to 3 girls! And am gonna teach you how to be one to your children too!
HUH?! You say? Keep reading.
One of my 85 dream jobs growing up was to be a teacher. My heart has always been with kids (maybe cuz I think I’m still one? ), but also because I always found excitement when I would teach my friends a subject they were stuck with in school.
When anyone asked where I saw my future with my blog, I always said I saw myself teaching students in the form of my Monday Motivation vibes (which I did a few times through classroom presentations & assemblies).
At the beginning of 2020 I was starting to put an official plan in place to work with schools & students, but of course those plans were stopped.
So as I began to have a lot more free time this year, I continually asked The Universe to help provide me on the next path & project in my life. Honestly I thought it would come in the form of some cool TikTok dance or something, but it came through an opportunity to become a homeschool teacher.
If there’s anything 2020 has taught us it’s that what we expected this year to look like is literally not what actually has been. But that it’s up to us to be open to different possibilities & opportunities that we may not have thought of before to reach our end goals.
Meeting with these girls 5 days a week & coming up with creative daily lesson plans has been some of the most challenging, exciting, & rewarding work I have done thus far.
I’m really understanding this year that there’s a time & place for everything, & this unexpected venture that wouldn’t have been if it weren’t for 2020 has become the next piece in my journey.
If you follow me on Instagram @elainechaya I’m sharing my adventures daily on stories. But I’m going to be using my website to upload some extra great lesson plans I do that ya’llz can save and look back on forever.
People keep asking if this is what I’m going to do with the rest of my life–be a teacher. My answer: who knows where the word is going to take me. But I do know it’s gonna involve kids in it.
Stay tuned!

What do you think?