A few weeks back in December my friends and I went on a little vaykay to one of our favorite places– Palm Springs. What seemed like a random and spur of the moment trip to the outside, was actually one that was cultivated and planned from a few weeks back. To take it back a few weeks prior to this trip, my same friends and I were doing one of our typical wine night catch ups and were talking about the future and what 2015 was going to hold. One of my friends was going to be moving to San Francisco soon to pursue a new and exciting job venture while another one of my friends was in the midst of planning all of the exciting details for her 2015 wedding. Of course, always being the one hustling and bustling and running around LA (and the world) for my blog, we all saw a glimpse of a moment where we silently understood that life, soon enough, wasn’t going to be as simple and as easy with wine nights like these as we were able to do currently. So within that moment, we decided that we just had to take a little road trip to commemorate everything before it was all going to so quickly change.
Where did we want to go? What did we want to do? Instantly, Palm Springs came to mind as being the perfect place that wasn’t too far away but far enough that we could make a little trip out of it. Where did we want to stay?, was the next question to which The Parker Palm Springs instantly came to mind as we had all heard so many great things about it. So just like that, from there, we started planning away and off we went! While we were only there for two days and only just a few hours from LA, we all felt like we had escaped from the world and reality and were able to simply enjoy each other’s company in this beautiful getaway. Not focusing on work, on emails, on the future, or any of the other worries or things that are constantly running through our mind all hours of the day, this trip reminded me and my friends the importance of time, friendship, and most importantly, stopping to appreciate the little things in life.

What do you think?