“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a happy life”
B • E • I • N • G 🌟 P • R • E • S • E • N • T.
We live in a generation where the #hustlerlife is what we’re all about—we all have so many ambitions & goals that it seems like we’re always living a life where we’re trying to accomplish 28 things on our to-do lists simultaneously at once with no time spare. Yet, with great ambition comes a HECK of a lot of time we spend running around & not appreciating things in our current moments.
It’s already halfway through the 2nd month of 2018 and life seems, as it always does, to keep fast-forwarding along, with us continually asking ourselves in fear, “Where has the time gone?” Last week’s #MondayMotivation post was all about “Saying Yes” to not let time slip by on the things you’re looking to achieve in your life. But to me, the way I look at it, “Saying Yes” is not only to the goals you want to accomplish in your life, but also to the portions you want to accomplish FOR your life—meaning those aspects outside of your to-do list dreams that’ll help bring you to a fuller, more present, and HAPPY life.
What I’ve come to really understand as of lately is that life is too short to be running around constantly trying to make a living for yourself that you forget to really LIVE for yourself— Life is about saying YES to a lunch date with a friend you haven’t seen in months and taking that weekend trip you’ve constantly been saying you’ll do “one day”.
I believe this is the year for us all to go after the things we want in every aspect of life because I don’t know about you, but I want to look back on my life, especially this year, and not say, yet again, “Where has the time gone this year?” with worry and fear. Instead, I want to look back on this year and say “Wow, that was an amazing time and I can’t believe I did it ALL… in a year.”.
So for this Monday’s #inspilaine, I want you to stop for a second and really ask yourself, what is something FUN that you’ve been wanting to do just for your pure self? And once you have your answer—just do it— and enjoy every second of it. 💕 Anyone else with me?! 🙆🏼🌟👊🏻