Sometimes my blog posts get inspired by a simple email thrown my way and today’s post was because of one of those days courtesy of my friend and fellow fashion enthusiast Jordan aka @J_Levin aka “Fashionjord” or most widely known by most of you as aka Screech from this little “Saved By The Bell” shoot. The title of the email was “This” and the body was of just a simple link to the video below to which I then saw was of Iggy Azalea’s new music video “Fancy”. It starts off with her looking through her virtual wardrobe on Revolve (as clearly we’re in the new day and age of technology and wardrobe updates). But what I then came to quickly realize and see was that it wasn’t of Iggy Azalea looking through her virtual wardrobe but of Iggy as Cher Horowitz. And as the music video continued to move forward, I saw that the video was a full-on remake of one of the best movies and shows of all times… “Clueless”. Instantly mushing into a ball of Clueless throwback loving, any fashionista can agree on dying and going to fashion heaven with this. I mean…. could these characters, outfits, and video be anymore spot on?! And more importantly, WHY has no one else ever thought of making this video?? Epic on so many levels.

What do you think?