In a time where the weather in LA has changed from rainy and foggy days to scorching nights where it’s 85 degrees at 11 PM, you need some clothes in your closet that easily adjust to the rapid changing temperatures and welcome and embrace the summer. I always love to have quick pieces that I can grab easily for a day out– no-brainers that will allow you to adjust to the forecast changes and make you fit in well with what’s going on around you. I used to buy all my purchases with a requirement in my head of needing to know what I could pair that piece with, with items already in my closet. But over the past few years, my purchasing mentality has changed– buying items that I love on their own, and then leaving it to me later on to work backwards and configure pieces that worked well together. This shirt from H&M as well as these pink/peach shorts from Forever 21 that I had bought both randomly in hopes of being able to pair with items in the future both turned out to be great options and perfectly matching together. Throwing in my essential neon jewelry into the mix to complete the summer on the go ensemble, no one would expect that this super simple styling and outfit was whipped together within seconds.
Shirt: H&M // Shorts: Forever 21 // Sandals: H&M // Sunglasses: Fairfax Flea Market // Necklace: Ann Taylor // Bracelet: BCBG Generation

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