“Fill yourself with good thoughts until you’re overflowing”
They say when it rains it pours and here in LA this weekend there was a HUGE abrupt thunderstorm feeling to me like the real-life version of Noah’s Ark which was this week’s story covered in Judaism. Coincidence? I think not!.
The story of Noah’s Ark is about getting rid of corruption in the city, where God instructed Noah to build an ark for him, his family, and all living creatures to live on so that they would be saved from the flood that was about to take over the land. The flood was a sign of the land returning to “the watery chaos it was before creation.”.
So how does the story of Noah’s Ark relate to anything for this #MondayMotivation? It’s because as I sat there on Friday night silently listening to the thunderstorm that was taking over, all I had were the thoughts that were flooding through my mind—becoming a symbol to me of the constant cycle of thinking we all do.
On any given day, in our minds we worry, plan, analyze, criticize & judge. We consume ourselves with concerns of the future “what will happen” or focus on actions of the past “if I could only go back,” leaving us feeling anxious & stressed and never living presently.
But what if we switched our mentality & started actually focusing on the present vs holding onto the past / predicting the future? For the past year every Friday night thru Saturday I put my phone away to actively give my mind a mental break from all the thoughts that flood me— becoming my weekly way of not worrying about the future or the past for just one day.
The secret to success in anything we do starts with the active actions we personally take— which all starts with our thoughts. There’s the popular statement that says “live in the now” which at times may seem easier said than done, but for this week’s motivation, I want you to find ways to allow yourself to be present. Spend time taking up a weekly class, grab lunch with a friend, or use the first few mins of your morning reflecting on what you’re grateful for. The more time you spend live presently, the easier it’ll be to UNflood. Anyone else feel me?