If you were asked “what’s been the best day of your life?”, how would you respond?.
T • O • D • A • Y.
I was posed this question this week where I was challenged to think about what my “best day” answer would be. My mind instantly flashed to so many memories from concerts to trips to special moments with my family & friends. Yet when an 80-year lady was asked this very question in a survey, her response was none of the ones like I mentioned above, but instead, her answer was simply “TODAY”. The surveyors who posed this question were confused by her response, asking her to explain further. And what she said was that “TODAY” was the only day that actually mattered.
You see, we all {MAJORLY including myself} spend A LOT of our time thinking about things from the past (both good & bad) and also focusing on moments of the future (both worries & goals). Yet the key thing here to realize is that the past has already gone, and the future—well, we actually don’t know WHAT it will hold. So in reality, we spend a lot of time focusing on moments that are not relevant or tangible.
Each morning that we are blessed with waking up once again, we also have this unique ability to create a whole NEW day for ourselves. WE get to choose how we want that new day to go. Meaning, if yesterday was a fail, that doesn’t mean that’s how today has to be. And if you’re worried about that thing tomorrow or that other thing you wanna make happen as your goal 5 years from now, that’s also all irrelevant because you actually don’t know what (and if) tomorrow will even come around. So what it all comes down to is that we really just have TODAY to make it be everything we want it to be.
So for this #MondayMotivation, I want you to join me in making TODAY (and each day moving forward) YOUR BEST DAY EVER. I’ve already been putting this mindset into play the past few days and it’s been suchhh a gamechanger!