“Real richness is when you’re so expensive that no one can buy your character”
Last Wednesday was #YomKippur which in summary is where for 24 hrs you ask for forgiveness while thinking about all the food you’re not eating cuz you’re on a fast the whole time. Sounds like so much fun right?! 😅. Welll, this year my family & I switched up our synagogue game to head to a service on pretty Sunset Blvd which involved my fave portion—a little #staycation at the Mondrian Los Angeles Hotel pictured here. In a recent previous motivation post I wrote about how the 10 days until Yom Kippur are the most important cuz those days become a reflection of how the rest of your year will be. So basically…. if my new year is anythinggg like a constant pretty staycation in LA—I’m ready peopleee! 🤩.
While I’ll admit there are a few rainbow filters up in this pic, this image was my cute cheeky way to pay homage to my #WokeUpThisWayChallenge. But what’s most interesting to me from this is the irony of how similar in concept my challenge & Yom Kippur are to each other. Yom Kippur is all about showing up as your purest, most authentic self for the day from not washing your face, not doing your hair or makeup, or brushing your teeth. Basically embracing the way you got #WOKE, just like my challenge.
But why is it that portraying your raw self is SO important everywhere from religion to social media? The answer is because at the end of the day, what we portray on the outside to others isn’t as important as what we portray on the inside to ourselves. Money, makeup, clothes, & cars are one day going to fade away & the only thing we’re left and we leave with others are the characters we’ve built for ourselves.
So to go off what my challenge requested as well as what Yom Kippur is all about, for this #MondayMotivation I want you to really focus on who it is that you want to be. Build a character that away from the filters you can be proud to share with the rest of the world and start committing now to be that person every day moving forward.