Inspiration Motivation Monday: Act Posted on September 10, 2018December 9, 2020 Share 0 data-animation-override> “Act is if you were already the person you want most to be” Today marks the day of the official Jewish New Year and how fitting that it falls on a #MondayMotivation, right?! And what’s even more fitting is that the creation of my weekly Monday Motivation posts came from the one I wrote last year for #RoshHashanah where I had decided then that I was going to write these posts weekly. One year down & still going strong 👊🏻✨. . While every year I have 2 times the opportunity to commemorate new beginnings (New Years on January 1st + every Fall for this Jewish New Year), what makes #RoshHashanah so extra important to me is what it stands for. Today is the day in Judaism where we’re tested for what we want in life. But this doesn’t come from us simply just wishing for the best & writing it down on a piece of paper. Instead, it’s really emphasized through the way we ACT. They say how we start this New Year with our actions is how the rest of the year will follow. Which means: it’s extremely important for us today to not express any emotions of anger, worry, or sadness— and to not even THINK with these feelings. . Through every Monday Motivation post I write, the bottom-line takeaway is mainly to say that our thoughts and mentalities are truly our secret powers to success in accomplishing anything & everything we want. And with Rosh Hashanah and this New Year, this is no exception because in order for us to succeed in the things we want in life, we have to actively create the mentality and reality we envision for ourselves with our actions. . So for this extra special edition #MondayMotivation post, whether you’re personally celebrating this New Year or not, I want you guys to join me today in being filled with nothing but joy, excitement, and happiness and really embracing the possibilities those actions can hold. Comment below with your fave emoji if you’re with me!! 🙆🏼♀️🌈👏🏻💖💥🍭🍦🍾. . May today {and this #NewYear}, be the SWEETEST one for all of you yet! XOXO