Do you have those moments you can say, “That changed me”?.
E • V • O • L • U • T • I • O • N.
The picture on the right you’ll find my famous #Coachella ferris wheel pic from 2 yrs ago that I love to share as my game-changing moment. Looking at that pic, it looked like a girl who was #LivingHerBestLyfe, but click on this link from my interview w/ KTLA 5 News, you’ll hear how it was quite the opposite.
It was a point in my life that I was unhappy & stressed for a lot of different factors— yet something a colorful social media pic could hide. So while 99.9% of peeps came back that weekend having had the best times of their lives, I came back wanting to make changes in mine.
But you know, the secret to change is that it doesn’t magically fall into your lap. It takes personal desire & work. With Fashionlaine, it turned into me wanting to create more meaningful content like these long ass #MondayMoitvation posts & the #WokeUpThisWayChallenge. With personal, I did everything from working w/ life coach Aimee Batuski, to attending self-growth trainings #Landmark, to surrounding myself w/ friends like Diana Espir who’d remind me that life’s stresses are just a laugh & solution away.
Going back to #Coachella this year was more than just returning to a fun music festival for me. It was my way of seeing how much I’ve evolved. I share this whole ferris wheel moment all the time as my example of how in the moments you feel some of your greatest defeats, those are the exact times you’re given the biggest opportunities for evolution.
Life will never be free from feelings of stress & unhappiness, but if you really work on yourself to make the changes you want to see— then there’s no way things won’t start working in your favor.
For this #MondayMotivation, I want you to look at those current ferris wheel moments in your life & find ways to change them. Once you work on the things that are making you feel incomplete, that’s when you’ll begin to feel free. Looking at these two pics, I see in this new one a girl who’s evolved in so many amazing ways. And I’ve got a ferris wheel to thank for it. 🎡🐛🦋
Click here to read my past two posts that helped spark this all!