Throughout college I was always trying to figure out “what I wanted to be when I grew up”. What was I going to study? What was my life career going to be from here on out? I went through many phases, one of which was taking the pre-med route for a full three years of college, and another being buckling down and studying for the LSAT to go to law school. Forget the painful hours I spent studying, forget the concepts I had to memorize and learn about brains, cells, and ecosystems, and forget about the bajillion reading comprehensions and math logic problems I had to sit and try to figure out. Above all of those thoughts, hours, and time, there was one consistent thought that would go through my head every time I’d envision my future profession– what would I wear? I think from that point I should have seen the signs and forseen that fashion was going to play an important factor in my life. Because while others were trying to be logical and consider careers that would guarantee financial stability, longevity, and require a skilled and unique talent, I was over here factoring whether or not it would be appropriate to wear headbands with my work attires (and I’m pretty sure a doctor’s office or a court room would rule that concept as a big fat no). So with today’s look, I consider this my Fashionlaine official office fashion. With a super cute blazer, leotard, pant suits, heels, and of course, a headband, I remind myself and many other fashionistas who are trying to figure out the appropriate balance between work and fun attire that there are still ways you can be yourself.
Jacket: Three Dots
Top: American Apparel
Pants: Claire Farewell London
Shoes: AMI Clubwear
Headband: Rouelle
Necklaces: Bloomindales, H&M
Rings: Rouelle
Lipstick: M.A.C. Cosmetics (RiRi Hearts M.A.C.)

What do you think?