I was so excited to leave this horrid LA heatwave to go to NYC where the sun was, well… less sunny. That in itself was a crazy concept for me to comprehend because the last time I was in NY in July, the humidity was of another planet. So for me to be excited to head over to not so sunny New York was something I was not too familiar with, yet majorly looking forward to. But of course, like any good weather, it never lasts for long. So as the days progressed and everyone went from frolicking in the ease and breezy weather of Fashion Week, LA’s heatwave quickly caught up with us east coasters– leaving the last few days of NYFW hard ones to maneuver in. Thankfully for me, most of my planned outfits already consisted of some combo that included a crop top, so I seemed to be naturally already prepared to beat the heat. With a bright blue blazer hanging off my shoulders, a subtle yet amazing diamond headpiece, and a big chunky necklace that was definitely set to be the showstopper, I was able to fight the NY heatwaves and take on another day of NYFW in true Fashionlaine style.
Jacket: Forever 21 (similar here) // Top: Wet Seal (similar here) // Shorts: Zara (similar here) // Shoes: Aldo // Headband: Kristin Perry (similar here) // Purse: Sorial Handbags // Sunglasses: Fairfax Flea Market // Jewelry: Bita Pourtavoosi (necklace), Nissa Jewlery (ring), Viento (snake bangle and turquoise ring), BCBGeneration (white affirmation bracelet)

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