Halloween is said and done, but (CLEARLY) it’s not over on the blog! This month was definitely one of my most epic filled Halloweens yet– if I shouldn’t have been crowned Queen of Halloween 2016, I don’t know who should have!
From Hillary Clinton to Mario Kart, to my DIY Halloween Decor video, these DIY headbands I made with POPSUGAR, Monday’s Tinkerbell collaboration with Sephora and Drybar, to finally rounding it out with this epic DIY Strawberry look… I think it’s safe to say that I had more costume outfit changes this year than Beyonce (even though she DID have this pretty EPIC Barbie costume).
For this look which I guess I can consider my “official” Halloween costume, I decided (naturally) that I wanted to be a strawberry. How did I come up with a strawberry you may ask? Well it honestly came from the concept of a simple graffiti / art photo I saw on the side of a wall on Melrose as I was walking out of the Starbucks one day. No, I’m not kidding. That’s how I got my inspiration! I had seen the below picture of a girl dressed like a watermelon standing next to a girl dressed as a rose, and I jokingly snap chatted it asking if this should be potential Halloween costume this year. And as the month went by and I kept brainstorming what I wanted to actually be, this image kept re-popping up in my head, making me loving the concept of being a fruit more and more as the month went along. Maybe it’s because the girls looked so cool and fashionable in the photo that they just sold me in the concept of it all! And of course, when I think all things DIY costumes, I instantly think of my colored soulmate of life, the amazingly talented Studio DIY who just so happens to also be the Queen of DIY FOOD costumes. Knowing that she has taught how to dress like every food in the book, I knew that living out my fruity dreams would be an easy task at this point with her new Studio DIY shop.
So there I went, getting the essential outfit pieces naturally from all of my essential favorite go-to brands like American Apparel for the clothes, ShoeDazzle and JustFab for the shoes and accessories, and Studio DIY for the food flare including the seeds. All that was left was for me to add my Lainey touch and make this strawberry headband– and ta-da, you have a Strawberry! Of course, I got my sister to join in the foodie fun by being a Circus Animal Cookie too.
This was quite the SWEET Halloween if you ask me!
Shop The Look!
Strawberry Outfit:
Top: American Apparel
Bottoms: Americal Apparel
Shoes: ShoeDazzle
Purse: JustFab
Strawberry Seeds: Studio DIY
Choker: My Jewel Bar
Circus Animal Cookie Outfit:
Dress: American Apparel
Circus Animal Cookie Pom Poms: Studio DIY