Plaid Vibes
plaid shirt As you may have been able to tell, all Summer long I have had a semi obsession with maxi dresses. Yet, it’s slowly (in LA terms) becoming less Summer…
plaid shirt As you may have been able to tell, all Summer long I have had a semi obsession with maxi dresses. Yet, it’s slowly (in LA terms) becoming less Summer…
fall fashion It’s official — it’s Fall. I know. Goodbye crop tops. Goodbye tanning sessions. Goodbye summer vaykays. Time to go back to reality. (Yet I’m pretty sure in LA the…
tie dye dresses As my week of France loving continues, today I reminisce on my amazing day at Palace de Versailles where we spent a whole afternoon walking around and taking…
There’s nothing like having a cute and comfy dress with you for all your on-the-go essential needs. And when it’s a tie-dye dress, it’s even more of a win. When I…