I can’t believe today is the last day of 2014. Seriously where has this year gone? I feel like I remember ringing in 2014 just like it was yesterday… or at very most, only a few months ago! Yet, this New Years Eve has a completely different feel for me than the others in the past. I don’t know about you, but typically when Thanksgiving comes around, I instantly transform into NYE prep mode. Where are we going? What are we doing? What am I wearing? This year though, it’s so interesting to see how calm and unmotivated I have been about planning a big dazzling NYE. Sure, I’ve had some great celebrations in the past that my friends and I look back and reference to and laugh about years later. Yet to me, this cliche night of the 31st has come to symbolize a night of high expectations and stress rather than that of a fresh new start.
Typically getting caught up in the intricate details of what I’m going to be doing as we countdown to midnight, this year, I’m worried less about the time change and what I’ll be doing when that ball drops and focused more on the future and what 2015 will actually be holding. Looking back upon 2014, I can’t believe the crazy whirlwind of things that I’ve done and gone through. I feel like just within this past year I’ve grown tremendously as a person, as a blogger, as a sister, as a mommy (to my new dog!), and as a friend. As you grow older and things change, you come to realize and narrow down on what the most important things are in life and grab hold to them– and I think that’s one of the most valuable things I’ve taken away this year.
Life is a continual journey and there’s always room for growth, change, development, and teachings. I think that’s why NYE and a New Year become such an exciting and nerve-wracking moment for everyone– because it’s a symbol of the exhilarating potential of what the future can hold. Cutting my hair, entering Year 3 of Fashionlaine, and so much more, for once, I’m not unenthused and looking down upon ringing in a whole New Year, but instead, I’m ready to take it by the reins and show it what I’ve got.
As I saw a meme somewhere that stuck with me it said: “2013 was practice, 2014 was warm up, 2015 is game time.” Let the games begin!
Dress: Shahida Parides
Headband: HeadPlant

What do you think?