I can’t believe Coachella is over! It’s funny how you talk and build stuff up for days, weeks, and months, and then within seconds, you turn around and see that it’s already in the past. I was so happy to go from mildly chilly LA to fabulously sunny Palm Springs (let’s disregard Sunday when we experienced the craziest windstorm to ever come upon us). But OTHER than that, the fabulous weather change obviously meant my official commencement of florals, neon, and headbands. And Day One of Coachella consisted of just that. Whether you’re tanning by a pool/ sitting on grass fields in Palm Springs or are walking down the street and shopping in LA, having a pair of go-to floral shorts and a neon side purse are both beyond necessities in your spring attire. Outfits don’t always have to be serious and formal, and spring reminds us of just that! With some simple change in colors and accessories, one can go from looking plain to looking like you’re ready to take over the show.
Top: Urban Outfitters // Shorts: Forever 21 // Shoes: Urban Outfitters // Purse: H&M // Headband: Deepa Gurnani // Jewelry: StyleQueen (Ring), BCBG Generation (Neon Yellow Bracelet), Kim&Zozi (Neon Woven Bracelets)

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