I think it’s safe to say that my love and appreciation for fashion has grown immensely over the years, more so since starting this blog. Maybe it’s because I’ve had the opportunity to get introduced to so many great and different brands– whether it be ones that I’ve met from across the globe or ones that I’ve gotten reintroduced to over these past few years. From clothes to shoes to accessories, it’s been so much fun getting immersed into trends and brands both new and old. Yet, I think one of my most favorite parts of all is getting reintroduced to some of my favorite brands that I grew up.
If you follow my adventures on Snapchat (@iamfashionlaine), you’ll see a lot of features of my “Kicks of the Day”, showcasing my favorite shoe of that moment. And one brand that I tend to a feature a lot is one that I had grown up with and now have re-fallen in love with– Keds. I’m pretty sure it’s probably because I feel like I’m channeling my inner Tay Swiftany time I put on a pair (she is a brand ambassador of the brand after all). But whatever it is, I just instantly feel ten times cooler when I wear them. And today’s “Kicks of the Day” are an extra special pair too because I got to customize them online through Keds’ website, choosing everything from the style of the shoe (Champion or Crashback), if I wanted the shoes monogramed or beaded, and what colors I wanted for everything from the tongue, side, heel, shoelace and more. Obviously trying to bring in as much color as I can to my very first pair of customized kicks, I decided to go with this pastel vibe which perfectly paired with this cute t-shirt floral dress– giving me all the Spring feels.
Shop This Look!
Dress: Kut from the KlothShoes: KedsBracelet: Nashelle
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