Photography / Makeup / Hair: Mayra Lozano
What kinda lens do you see your life through?.
P • E • R • S • P • E • C • T • I • V • E.
I heard this story this past week & knew it was a musttt as today’s #MondayMotivation vibezzz:
Once there was a man that was given a cup of water that had salt in it. He was asked if he could taste the salt & he replied, “Yes, it’s very strong.” The cup was then replaced w/ a pitcher of water that had the same amount of salt. “Can you taste the salt now?” they asked the man. He replied, “Yes, but it’s a little less strong than before.” The pitcher was then replaced with a big bowl of water w/ the same amount of salt. “How about now?” they asked him again. He replied, “Yes, I can still taste the salt but it’s even less than before.” He was finally given a tub filled w/ water that was bigger than the cup, pitcher, & bowl combined still w/ the same amount of salt. “Can you taste it now?” they asked the man one last time. After a long pause, he replied, “I can taste the salt, but it’s so faint that I barely noticed it was there.”.
This story is a metaphor to our lives. We all, without a doubt have salty moments, or hardships, that we face—that’s unfortunately just part of life. And as you can see from this story, the salt will never disappear.
But it’s not about magically making the salt disappear, yet instead, learning how to deal with the salt in our lives & working to fill it with reminders of the good things we have in our lives surrounding it—aka the water.
In the scenario with the cup, there was very little room made for water making the salt so strong. But as the story went on & more water filled the space, the salt while equally present, felt less visible.
Life, as I’ve come to learn more, is about how we want to view things. We can’t change the hardships we face but we CAN shift our perspective and mentality on how we let hardships affect us.
So for this week, work on living your life like a big tub of water. Instead of focusing on your struggles, remind yourself of the amazing things you DO have so that your salt seems so faint, you can barely taste it.