“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like & enjoying it for everything it is.”
H • A • P • P • I • N • E • S • S.
The reason I’ve become so devoted to these #MotivationMonday posts is because I’ve become so interested in this concept of “happiness”. I’ve noticed that no matter what stage we’re each in in our lives, happiness is a constant concept we’re all trying to understand & find.
We’re on this continual hunt for happiness because we’ve become conditioned to connecting it to outcomes of outside factors like relationships, material objects, and the admiration & approval of others. “I’ll be happy when _____” is a popular statement we’ve all said. We think that if we receive that outward thing we’ve been searching for all our lives THEN we’ll FINALLY be happy. Yet, why is it ironically enough that we find out that some of the most famous & successful people that are able to have IT ALL seem to be the unhappiest?.
When we’re seeking happiness, we’re making the assumption that we lack something. And once we get one thing, then it’s onto the next that we’re missing—we never have enough. Have you ever in your life simply felt content with what you currently have?
Of course, problems arise that will affect our state of happiness. But it’s up to us to decide how we want these dilemmas to affect our moods. They say “misery loves company”—but that’s only if we allow it in. Our minds are the most powerful tools we have and it’s only up to us, no one else, on how we want to act & react to difficult situations that come our way. Even in the toughest of times, WE have the ability within ourselves to still make every hard moment less unpleasant. Happiness is a choice, not a result.
For this Monday #inspilaine I encourage you to practice saying, “I have everything I need to be happy right now”. Once you realize that you have it within yourself to be happy at this very moment & that it in fact doesn’t rely upon anything or anyone else, then you’ll quickly start to see how much more at peace, in power, & HAPPY you’ll be.
Anyone else agree? If you’re happy & you know it clap your hands below 🙆🏼👏🏻👏🏻