“Before you’re a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others—Jack Welch.”
A year ago I said that I wanted to become a person of inspiration for the world, yet a question I kept asking myself was, “But how is it possible for me to motivate others when I don’t know how to fully do that for myself?” Because let me let you in on a secret: we have one person that’s out to hold us back more than anyone else—ourselves.
In life we’ve all had moments of failure & defeat that have weighed us down & made us create all these stories of who we think we are & what we think we’re capable of achieving. With our minds we know how to quickly turn ourselves into either our own biggest fans or worst haters. And just like Michael Jordan needed a coach to work on his faults & become his champion to reach him to the top, we too sometimes need people on our side to remind us of our potentials & cheer us on to our ultimate successes.
So for the past year I’ve been on a mission of being COACHABLE—training like an athlete to clear out mental weaknesses that have stopped me from reaching my #BestSelf game. The #WokeUpThisWayChallenge may have been something I launched a few weeks ago, but what it represents of world inspiration is something I’ve been working on becoming for the past year. With the help of tools like my girl @batoosk, #LandmarkWorldwide, & more, I’ve come to realize that once we’re willing to work on getting rid of the mental blocks we’ve put on ourselves, that’s when we can truly achieve anything we set our minds to.
So for this #MondayMotivation I want you to push yourself to grow in those places in your life that you feel weak. The more time you spend being coachable, the more you’ll see that your biggest hater in your life, aka yourself, will soon to turn into your biggest fan. And when you can become your biggest champion, that’s when you can start to be a true leader for everyone else. Anyone else with me?! 👊🏻💖🌈 ll #inspilaine