B”H Photography
“Your vibe attracts your tribe and when you put the positivity out there, especially in the times of greatest defeats, you will be rewarded with greater gifts than you asked for…because everything happens for a reason after all, right?”
Things happen, shit happens, and life doesn’t go according to plan.
It’s easy when you get the things that you want, but what do you do when you’re faced with disappointments?
The immediate reaction is to simply be negative and look at all the downfalls. And in the process, become your own worst enemy and #1 hater– putting YOURSELFcontinually down.
It’s way harder and much more work to be happy and positive. Who wants to do that?
Yet what I’ve come to learn time and time again, is that through every disappointment I’ve faced, the times that I’ve made the hardworking effort to push myself past the negativity and actually learn to be POSITIVE– the universe is always listening and has your back.
Your vibe attracts your tribe and when you put the positivity out there, especially in the times of the greatest defeats, you will be rewarded with greater gifts than you asked for… because everything happens for a reason after all, right?
Just because you’re not meant to get something in that moment doesn’t mean you’re not meant for greatness and a happy ending in the future.
So in the wise words of my all-time favorite all-knowing philosopher @justinbieber: “Don’t You Give Up #NahNahNah”