BeautyLainey's Fashion Desert In Color: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough Posted on April 3, 2018December 9, 2020 Share 0 Photography / Glam : Mayra Lozano data-animation-override> “You’ve been assigned this mountain so that you can show others it can be moved.” What I LOVE about this series is the ability we’ve had to create unique and colorful moments in different nature settings–something TOTALLY out of my picturesque comfort zone. I mean…big brown mountains?? UMM…. NOOO THANK YOU, you can never catch THIS rainbow girl caught DEAD there. But the beauty of this series is being able to show how to capture the simple things LIKE big brown rocks and turn them into something extraordinary like rainbow themed explosion. But with this series, its not just going turning the BLAND into something FAB, but showing the symbolization behind what that means. In life, we’ve been assigned many challenges (or mountains) that come in our way that seem just so unbearable and hard to climb. But this shoot, with it’s color scheme and all, is a symbol that our presence can overcome any mountain, make any move, and make any uncolorful situation (both metaphorically and physically) into something extraordinary and beautiful. Don’t let the mountains make you feel small, defeated, and like you can’t reach the top. Because LEMME tell you, if I can do it in heels and a fabulous orange jumpsuit train, YOU CAN TOO! Jumpsuit: Genny Check out the rest of the Desert In Color series here! Desert In Color: Live In Color Desert In Color: The Road Trip Desert In Color: Colors Of The Wind(mills) XOXO