Do you ever feel like the universe works in mysterious ways and really brings things (or people) into your life for a reason or a purpose that you may not have ever dreamt of before? Sure people always say “everything happens for a reason” but how many of us fully believe in that mentality?
I remember it perfectly. It was February and I had just landed in Los Angeles for a quick break (aka wardrobe and luggage change) between my trip from New York for Fashion Week and my next trip to Las Vegas for the MAGIC convention where I was going to be on panels with different bloggers for the next three days. I remember landing in LA and feeling this type of cloud hanging over my head with this major feeling of stress. Stress because I felt like I had just come back from swimming in this crazy ocean of blogging and social media galore and felt extremely alone in the process while doing it because really, I was in New York handling the beast of Fashion Week all by myself.
It’s so empowering and inspiring to see that we’ve entered a world where really anyone can have a voice and become influential just for being themselves. How great social media really is (in this sense at least) where one person can really reach out to people all over the world and inspire them with their words, photos, and more. And while I can’t deny that I have been to many cool places and events and have met some pretty amazing people along the way, I feel like with every great thing comes its own set of setbacks or struggles. And for me, that comes with the blogging world and feeling like sometimes, it’s just a little bit too overwhelming with just too much going on– too many bloggers, too much competition, too many attitudes, and more. And when you’re doing it by yourself, you can imagine feel something like a little fish in this gigantic ocean.
So fast forwarding back to February with just moments to go to before hopping on my flight to Las Vegas, you can imagine that I was in a state of a type of defeat and honestly, just not wanting to go on this trip altogether. When I landed in Vegas, I already kind of knew from a distance some of the bloggers that were going to be on the panels. Yet, when you’re thrown together into settings like these, you’re obviously bound to be together, dine together, and travel together to and from all the activities in place. And while some people are cordial on trips and just get along in that time and moment at hand, what happened here when I met Melanee, Taye, Reinaldo, and Tosha was this type of instant bond and friendship that none of us could really explain. Within the three days at MAGIC, we quickly became inseparable– planning together, traveling together, and snapchatting and taking pictures together. We became a unit and really followed the “leave no man behind policy”. And for once in my whole blogging life, I finally didn’t feel alone. I finally had people who understood exactly what I was going through and had the same schedule and plan of things they wanted and needed to get done (i.e. blog post shoots, events we needed to attended to and more). Yet the best part of it all was that throughout this whole ocean of bloggers, I felt like I was lucky enough to swim to and find four fish who were genuine, sweet, and want the best for you and vice versa– which trust me, is not as easy to find.
Since then, we’ve kind of become this inseparable unit (I mean, a day has not gone by since we’ve talked in this group chat that we started while on this trip in February). We cheer each other on, help each other out, and make each other laugh along the way. To me, life isn’t about just accomplishing goals and “making it to the top”. To me, life is about the journey and the people along the way who make everything worth it– because at the end of the day, that’s what you’re going to remember.
So today, I’m dedicating my post to my latest and greatest inspirations. My friends, my fellow bloggers, and my Bethanys. (And for those of you who wonder why we keep calling each other Bethany, it’s because we joke that it takes so long for us to post a photo on Instagram and it reminded us of this silly Vine video here where the guy is telling Bethany to “post the picture.”)
And in true Fashionlaine style with my new obsession and love for YouTube, as I always say our life should be a TV show (you know what I mean if you follow our ridiculous adventures on my Snapchat @iamfashionlaine), I made a cute little intro video from a day we did a little photoshoot last week.
Are We Social Besties Yet?
Instagram:@iamfashionlaineSnapchat: @iamfashionlaine

What do you think?