Oh man, I’ve straight up wanted to do this costume for Halloween for a few years but never found a good way to insert this in! So today for Purim (Aka the Jewish people’s Halloween), I’m taking you in on how to do your very own Mary Poppins Costume DIY style. (Cuz I’m not about buying already made costumes, but piecing them together yourself).
Mary Poppins was one of my all-time fave movies growing up, I watched it over 100 times. There was just this way the movie made normal day situations seem like they can turn into something magical that always fascinated me. It’s the mindset I’ve taken with me into life, especially teaching: using my Morah “magic box” aka @realcaboodles as my own version of Mary’s magical bag.

So Mary Poppins I had to be Mary Poppins!
This outfit looks sooo easy to make but damn man, it straight up took hours to find these perfect pieces! This is why I had to make a post for ya’llz, to save you time. And it all has to do with our friends: AMAZON.

Ok, so as you can see I did the Mary Poppins with the flower hat version, as the white fluffy frill was too extra for me in this case.
TOP: I chose this really pretty white frill button up that was very Mary. I also thought this was a nice top that you could also reuse for any nice normal occasion.
SKIRT: My lordddd how many pics I Google’d to try to figure out what color Mary Poppins ACTUAL skirt was. There seems to be no picture of her full look. But finally gathered that it’s Navy Blue NOT black like every Mary Poppins Costume DIY picture shows. So either way is cool, but if you wanna be most accurate like me, get the Dark Blue in this skirt here. It gives the black feel.
TIGHTS: Mary’s skirt technically goes all the way to the floor but this close to your calves length pretty much does the trick and I used white tights here to go with it.
ACCESSORIES: Of course, Mary Poppins is iconic best of the accessories so I got this Mary Poppins kit that saves you money on buying these things separately. The bow tie is GREAT, the gloves were a little awkward fitting on the thumb but will do. The hat is SHIT (excuse my language). When I pulled it out i was like WTF this isn’t a real hat, the pic is deceiving. BUT It has the flowers and cherries that you need so worth it so you can pull them off (carefully) and hot glue gun to this hat below.
HAT: Get this hat! It’s perfect and great and like I said, you need just need to hot glue gun the pieces from the horrific hat onto this. *not you need to get a hot glue gun or borrow one if you don’t have*
BAG: I used a Caboodles as my “magic bag” because that’s what I used with my students but you need a little weekender bag for this (examples here).
SHOES: I used black flats I had that tie up for this but you can use a black shoot or booty that works. Here’s a cool one I found if you need it!
UMBRELLA: OF COURSE, we can’t forget the umbrella! Mary’s is full black, but I just used a blue / black multicolored one I had. But I’d highly recommend doing fully black to be extra extra official. Great one here!
Let me know your thoughts on this and if you end up doing this costume! I’d loveee to see how it turned out! Tag me at @elainechaya on Instagram and I’ll repost!

What do you think?