It’s February! (how is it February already?!?!)
Regardless of how fast the time is flying, the only way that makes this month change acceptable is because it means that we’re officially in the national Season of Love! While everyone may have their opinion on Valentine’s Day (some are strong advocates while others advocately stand against it), I think all fashionistas can agree that it’s the given month to commemorate in all cutesy things with love (and to pull out all the hues of reds and pinks we own). Since I’m all about holidays, color schemes, and themes, for the next two weeks leading up to the big L.O.V.E. day, I’ve decided to share some of my favorite Valentine’s Day inspired pieces and outfits on Fashionlaine. THUS, what better way to kick off the whole thing by going big… like big bouquet of red balloons big. But I mean… when else would a beautiful red and white polka dot gown, sparkly red bow headband, and balloons be more fitting?
Happy Season of Love! <3
Dress: Anya Liesnik
Headband: AMI Clubwear

What do you think?