I posted my thoughts on the Framing Britney Spears documentary on my Instagram @elainechaya and since it go a lot of traction, I wanted to created it as a blog post here for people on the inter-web to check out as well.
I grew up being a die-hard @britneyspears fan— I thought she was the most magical human that ever existed— anything unlike any of us. I loved her so much that I’d go as far as signing people’s high school yearbooks with “You’ve Been Britneyfied” & a little picture I’d print out of her that I’d glue next to my message (yes, extreme dork status).
The @nytimes just released a documentary about @britneyspearson @hulu a few days ago about the #FreeBritney movement and about the conservatorship she is under by her father called “Framing Britney Spears”.
For those of you who haven’t watched it and don’t know what’s going on with Britney here it is in easier terms. Basically for the past 12 years her dad has been legally controlling everything that’s Britney’s from her business & finances to personal self aka what she can do including what she’s allowed to post on Instagram. He did this because he says she’s mentally unstable and they’ve been in court about it over the years where she’s trying to get out of it. Fans have figured this out and have started a movement demanding for her to be set “free”.
Who knows what her true mental health status is, but the biggest part of this documentary that really makes me sad is seeing a playback of the part we as a society have played in this by giving her no sympathy for what she was going through. We simply are explaining it like she has just “gone crazy” and we just want to know more. Because obviously Britney can’t be human like us and going through what we go through. She’s Britney Spears!
The lesson I took away from this was how we as a society need to have more compassion for one another— whether it’s that rude co-worker that gets on your nerves or that mega pop star like Britney Spears. Mental health is real and we gotta remember there’s more to everyone’s story that we’re not seeing. Hopefully it’s not too late for Britney. ☹️
Tell me what you think if you’ve watched the documentary. If not, I’d highlyyy recommend you watching it on Hulu (except not before you go to sleep or you’ll turn into me and have your whole dream dedicated to determining how you can help her.)
Praying for Britney 🥺💖💖
Let me know if you’ve seen this documentary and your thoughts!

What do you think?