It seems like all I’ve been doing these days is going to back-to-back weddings. Yet, not oddly enough, I’m loving every second of them not only for the beautiful weddings and ceremonies, but because I literally feel like I get the chance to play dress up each time for something major like the Oscars or the Globes when putting on these gorgeous dresses and doing pretty things to my hair. I typically have an outfit in mind going into each wedding, pretty much knowing what I’m going to wear, what I want to do with my hair and so forth. Yet, this was the first wedding to which I actually was down to the wire on my dress decision. Struggling to pick between three different dresses (such a tough first world problem to have, I know), I finally decided to go with the underdog of them all and choose this gorg lilac number. Typically I don’t pick things with such crazy and unique patterns and cuts, yet with this look I thought it was the perfect summer feel. When I was then able to come to a consensus on the dress, I finally made the executive decision to do an updo to the hair which I also very rarely do. Getting inspired to throw in some floral dimension to my updo, I added in these floral pieces I had at my house to give it the ultimate summer wedding look.
Dress: Bariano
Shoes: AMI Clubwear
Rings: House of Harlow, Ashley Lane

What do you think?