One of my favorite holidays of the year is fastly approaching and the million dollar question keeps coming up: “What are you going to be for Halloween?” I think this world is split up into two types of people– those who dread the thought of Halloween and those who embrace it with a passion. Well… I can tell you that I’m definitely one of those embracers. This is not just a holiday to me, this is a serious moment in one’s fashion history. Typically there’s a month long preparation and thought process put into what I’ll be wearing with glue guns, sewing machines, and yards of fabric taking over every inch of my room. You’ll just have to wait for this week to unfold to see what I’ll be this year, but in the meantime, I want to share my top must haves and ingredients to any successful Halloween.
TUTUS: It may be because I always wanted to be a professional ballerina when I was little, but I definitely think I have a tutu obsession because I’ve incorporated one of these into one of my Halloween outfits ever year. These cute add-ons will look good on every body type and with every outfit idea.
MASKS: For those who aren’t the most enthused about Halloween and don’t want to spend too much time and money into putting together a costume, these simple yet cute cover ups can make any outfit go from plain to fabulous.
SEQUINS: I love sequins and definitely try incorporate them into my everyday life. Unfortunately other than New Years though, there aren’t too many points throughout the year where it’s really appropriate to bust out the sequins. Lucky for us though, Halloween is one of them! This is a time where you can put some creativity into your outfits and make them your own. Sequins and glitter can easily make a plain outfit look upscale and unique with the touch of a glue gun.
PUMPKINS: This wouldn’t be an appropriate Halloween post without the obvious insert of some type of pumpkin picture. While I’m not trying to imply for to be a pumpkin for a Halloween costume, I do recommend grabbing a pumpkin from your nearest patch and including your home in the Halloween festivities as well. I just visited a pumpkin patch last weekend (I think for the first time ever… I know, I’m so deprived) and loved every second of it. And the best part is, you can carry on your pumpkin decor into the Thanksgiving celebrations as well (my 2nd favorite holiday)!

What do you think?