It seems like we’re into the a millionth season of American Idol (that’s because we pretty much are) wondering… “is this show ever going to end?”. Remember the days when Paula, Randy, and Simon were the judges or when that random other guy named Brian Dunkleman co-hosted with Ryan Seacrest (before Ryan took over that amongst the rest of the world)? That all seems like a lifetime ago! American Idol was really the first talent competition show to hit the airwaves and from there so many other things have blossomed and become what they are like So You Think You Can Dance? , Dancing With The Stars, The Voice, and Simon’s spinoff X Factor. This year JLo, Keith Urban, and Harry Connick Jr will be taking on the judges seat to give a new fresh and feel to the show. And while I amongst many I think have a love-hate relationship with the show (you feel like it’s been on for too long but can’t help but watching each season), there’s also such a sweet and charming reminiscing aspect to it that hooks you right back in and reminds you while you love it. While there have been many other talent shows, there hasn’t been one with as much of a success rate as American Idol. With Katherine McPhee who went on to do SMASH, Jennifer Hudson who’s gone on to winning an Oscar (and Grammys), and of course who cannot include the wildly famous Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood? There is and was so much talent throughout the years that you can’t help but be hopeful that you’ll be experiencing the same magic and charm with each and every season, including this one. Looking back at Carrie Underwood’s audition below, it’s kind of shocking and impossible to believe that this shy, humble, and small-town girl would go on to becoming one of the biggest country singers to date.

What do you think?